“Whoever does not inform his children of his grandparents has destroyed his child, marred his descendants, and injured his offspring the day he dies. Whoever does not make use of his ancestry has muddled his reason………”     -King Steven Adebanji

Ancestry - King Steven Adebanji, Ehyeh Heru El Bey and Michael Miller.

Ancestry – King Steven Adebanji, Ehyeh Heru El Bey and Michael Miller.

“Makinde my son how is your wife?”

“Mama she is fine” He had replied briefly, trying to keep the conversation brief and devoid of her usual questions. Arewa knew the meaning of the tone he used in replying her, an indication that he wasn’t in the mood to listen to any of her usual talk about coming home……

“I won’t keep you long my son, it’s just a dream that I had that I have to share with you. I had a dream that Karen and you came on vacation and she looked so happy. The only thing that made this dream so significant is that every time I saw her in my dream, her stomach kept getting bigger and bigger and on the day of her delivery, I saw you and your father arguing and then I woke up”

Makinde had listened attentively to his mother and was curious to know what was going on in her subconscious that made her have such a dream.

“Mama, I understand that you are anxious for Karen to get pregnant. I am and I am sure that her parents are also”

“My son, I am not that old not to know the difference between anticipation and revelation.” Arewa paused as if in a bid to calm her nerves and choose her words wisely.

“I wish that you could get off your high horse and get some wisdom from your elders. The reason I share this dream with you is so that we can come together and figure out what this revelation could be but if you refuse to listen, I know what to do”

Now his mother had gotten his attention, he wondered what she meant by knowing what she would do. Makinde knew his stubborn attitude was un warranted, his mother wasn’t one of such imposing mothers, she was objective and never rubbed her ideas over anyone, not even her only child, him.

“Mama, I really don’t know what that dream could mean apart from the fact that you want a grandchild” He answered her jocularly, trying to douse the anger that was fast rising in her.

“My son, I want a grandchild but I am not blinded by my desire” with a finality tone, she concluded,

“You can get to what it is you are doing but I want you to know that when I woke up, I had this message from God, it said to me silently,

“Let them come home”

Makinde had not quite gotten over that conversation he had with his mother. It was one of none. The strangest part of it was that his sleepless nights started exactly a week before his mother’s dream………………………………………………..